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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Songs Of Innocence U2

U2 have had a good relationship with apple when the iPod click wheel came out there was a U2 version with a black body and red click wheel. So when this album came out the marketing agency who represent U2 came up with an idea. Give the new album away to iTunes users and sit back and watch the back catalogue sell like hotcakes. Well it raised a lot of complaints from people who didn't want the album and also devalued the album in my opinion if I'm honest it wasn't one of their best any way but that debacle de valued it even more.

I was willing to give it another shot and while surfing on amazon it popped up in the vinyl section from a third party seller so i stepped up and ordered my self a pressing. The white vinyl is really nice and the cover work is very artistic the album itself its trying to be edgy but its just missing something. can you picture a 50 year old Bonno singing about collage days and trying to convey the feeling of youth and innocence, it just doesn't fly with me. The whole album reminds me of Zooropa and that was a failure by U2 standards.

Its a bit electro and moving too far away from there rock songs and stadium fillers and sounds more like a remix album that a hard core U2 fan would buy just to say they own it to their fellow collectors. U2 reinvent themselves every so often and to that end I can't wait for the next incarnation. Give me more of No Line On The Horizon or How to Dismantle An Atomic bomb they were dynamic and nice to listen too this is just meh !

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