As theres a new Star Trek series on the way I thought now would be a good opportunity to revisit the last one. While I watched The Next Generation, Deep Space nine and Voyager when they were originally aired here in the U.K on BBC 2, Enterprise or Star Trek Enterprise as it was called in the third season escaped me. It had mixed reviews at the time and I'd just started doing shift work so it would have been hard to keep up to date.
While the three series from the late 80's to the early 2000's were at the cutting edge and introduced good actors that had were relatively unknown into their key roles. Enterprise bought in Quantum Leap's Sam Becket to the bridge of the Enterprise and that some how moves it outside of the Star Trek Mould for me and sometimes I wish he would leap in to a new host during as Scott Bakula gives a long steer into the camera lens.
Maybe its because they took the star of a time traveling program and put him in a Star Trek series based heavily on time travel and temporal flux.
Where the other three always had the prospect of some gritty acting and leaders making hard decisions that would effect the galaxy with a little input from there senior staff, Archer always turns to his Vulcan first officer and comes across as a figurehead to her leadership as he stubbles his way across the expanse. Other Captains made mistakes but they went on a crusade to fix them and along the way secured our admiration. Archer makes a cockup and his Vulcan first officer effectively tells him i told you so.
Then theres the enemies, in the next generation there were the Romulans, Borg, Klingons, Ferengi and a whole host of others. In Deep Space Nine there were the Cardasians, Dominion and a very dynamic political situation at times. Voyager had the Borg and Species 8472 along with everyone else they met along the way. Enterprise has some meek enemies and bear in mind its a prequel they're enemies no one has herd of, did we discover them and forget their address ? Its not very good and perhaps should be avoided before the new one starts so we can judge Star Trek Discovery purely on its merits.
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