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Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Breaking Bad Overview

Breaking Bad
A few weeks ago Marta and I started watching breaking bad and yesterday we finished the whole box set.

I can say its completely addictive TV and the journey of Walter White is a compelling one. Starting out as a school chemistry teacher who wanted to make some money for his family when diagnosed with lung cancer and watching the meek and mild mannered man change and become a dark all consuming monster as events mould him into a new person.

Breaking Bad
There are moments when you'll laugh and others when you'll cry and often they are with in the same episode, You'll watch the twists and turns and with every cliff hanger the steaks get higher as the show progresses. Even though there are some plot devices early on, in the main its completely believable and shows you the world of drugs and drug use in often stark terms.

If you haven't seen the show that everyone raved about a few years ago I want to be on the record and say its a must see. It doesn't glorify drugs or the lifestyle in any way and brings home the fact that they distroy the lives of everyone who comes into contact with them.

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