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Thursday, 16 February 2017

The Sweet Escape, Comme un avion 2015

The Sweet Escape
Movie Poster
I'm not adverse to foreign language films, in fact I rather enjoy them in the main but this one was a tad different. Maybe a bit to french for my liking think Clouseau on a boating holiday. But for me Clouseau only works because its a british actor standing up the french, we all know its not reality and thats what makes it funny. 
The Sweet Escape
Screen Shot

The Sweet Escape is the tale of one mans midlife crisis and while at work and creating 3D computer models his manager comes up with a team bonding game involving palindromes. The rest of his colleges cheat and come up with remarkable answers by searching the web. When Michel gives in and he too searches the web he comes up with Kayak and that sets him on the path to his adventure. 

From then on its a comic tale of a middle age man on an adventure, He hardly gets a kilometre before getting stuck and having been rescued by his wife sets out again. the rest of the story sets out more mild comic scenarios for our hero and while its ok the humour is a tad forced at times and borders between The Office and Pink Panther but with out a good character to back it up. 

Dom't rush to watch but if you do want a typical french comedy film then fill your boots but try to laugh. Bean, Clouseau and Brent do it better in my book ! 

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