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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Ronnie O'Sullivan's American Hustle

Ronnie O'Sullivan's American Hustle
Although its been advertised a lot on the History channel today is the first time I've managed to catch up with this new series from the History Channel.

Well known in the U.K and the snooker world in general Ronnie takes his skills to the U.S where he's unheard of to try his hand at hustling pool and to do some travel reporting on the way.

Ronnie O'Sullivan Driving a NY Taxi
I have to be honest I was hoping that it wasn't going to be an hour of Ronnie shooting pool and I was pleasantly surprised. The producers work hard to show you the city concerned in this case New York and local sights and culture. In this episode Ronnie goes to the top of the Rockerfella Centre, Ellis Island and enjoys a chilly dog from a street vender. Of course theres pool and to that end its more of a documentary showing you different forms of the game and meeting some hustling legends and showing you the shots they've worked on all their lives.

Its a good pregame with lots of different content that comes at a good pace while Ronnie's never going to be a travel presenter the voice over gives you interesting facts about the city they're in and links all of their different activities together. If you like travel, pool or Ronnie O" you'll enjoy this light hearted program.

Ronnie O'Sullivan's American Hustle History Channel Wednesdays  22:00

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