I just have to set the scene for you guys it was Christmas Eve and I'd been on an early shift at work, I'd finished about 2 and had a few hours to kill at home before I picked up Marta and we could start our celebrations together. Before this could happen we also had to deliver presents to one of her close friends who lives just round the corner from her.
So its about 8:30 on Christmas eve night and I've pulled up outside mart's home in order to load up the presents in the boot for our delivery. By this point in the day I'm a little tired and just want to drop the stuff and make a quick exit so we can come home and relax together with a nice movie before we spend our first Christmas together. I don't actually say this to Marta as its one of her closest friends but the truth of the mater is simply that as she's been working all day she's pretty much on the same page and just as we set off we agree that it'll be a quick stop then we'll be on our way.
Even though her friend only lives round the corner its still far enough that we have to drive for 5 mins and as its my first time there I notice that her friend lives in a nice set of flats with an Audi parked in every car space and a Mini cooper S crowding the curb. By this time in the evening the parking spaces are limited so it was a bit of a hunt to find a spot for the old Jag but no problem. We get the bag of presents from the boot and make our way in.
Now its the first time i've met her friend and he's confident and a little loud but in a good way, the kind of person you'd like to take to a party because he would provide the entertainment what ever the evening had in store. On first entrance you could tell that he's spent a lot on Christmas and theres a room full of presents and a nice spread on the kitchen table in the front room. Being the good host he hands out drinks and offers us food, but we have a pact already quick in and out no messing.
Theres some general chit-chat and then he hits me with the question
"what have you got Marta for Christmas ?"
Well having seen all the show and flash I thought I'd have a little joke.
"Well I said, funny you should ask as I've only just got it yesterday, I know it'll be something she can use every day and its a Limited Edition !"
Now the host feels he's missed something and it must be something so incredibly valuable so I decide to thicken the plot a little
"You know Marta is very special to me so it was important I made the right choice"
Now the host is egger to find out, What could this be ? Is it something I've missed and should have bought for my wife ?
All these questions are written on his face and its time to put him out of his misery
"Oh yes, I don't mind telling you while she's in the room, I'm sure she'll guess anyway when we get home" I say.
"What is it?" my host enquires with anticipation.
"The biggest I could find" I reply, my host is now well on the hook and comes closer.
"Fairy liquid of course"
The Lady who was sat to my right nearly chokes on her Chicken leg and my host takes it with great humour to his credit.
And thats the real Christmas Fairy.
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