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Saturday, 7 January 2017

BBC Sherlock returns

January 7th 2017
BBC Sherlock Title Page
Tomorrow night will see the second episode in the fourth series of Sherlock come to our screens and if you haven't watched it before then I urge you to watch, but if you've never watched an episode before you should really start from the first episode as you need the introduction to these complicated characters. Just to give you a brief over view this is Sherlock Holmes bought into the modern age. Forget the Robert Downey Jr rubbish, this is closer to the original books and yes Sherlock is arrogant and rude but in a very British way. The story's are taken from the original books but have been updated to include modern technology, not only including it making it integral to the plot. Moriarty is as always the perfect rival to Sherlock and always tests his abilities to the fullest. You'll be wondering will he/they make it as the move from one trap to the next. Knife edge stuff, I know I wax lyrical about actors making their roles but thats the whole point. In this there is no better than the confident Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock and depressed and dowdy Martin freeman as Watson. Set aside some time and prepared to be entertained oh and throw the Robert Downy Jr Holmes in the bin, for in this he has returned Arthur Conan doyle would be pleased.

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