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Sunday, 8 January 2017

Coming home to an empty home

January 8th 2017 

I picked Marta up from her home after she finished her shift on Friday and with the exception of the time I went to work yesterday we've been together the whole time. Yesterday I cane home and there she was making us a late dinner and showing me the shopping she'd bought that day for her niece and nephew as we're going to see them next week. Even though I was tried and it probably wasn't a stand out day at work it was nice. I lie it was great to be with her. Today she went back so she could go to work tomorrow, there for tonight I have come home to an empty flat that seems a little bit colder even though the thermostat reads the same. I know this means I can watch Sherlock in peace and I can hog the whole bed tonight, hell I can even work on writing something for you guys that's a bit better than my normal content but it just doesn't feel right it's been 9 hours since I saw her last and it feels like there's something missing already silly I guess. 

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