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Monday, 23 January 2017

Sherlock Unaired Pilot, A Study In Pink

January 23rd 2017

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The unaired pilot of BBC's Sherlock is available on you tube and I thought I'd watch to compare it to the Aired version.

The unaired pilot is of course shorter than the revised Study in pink and a lot more fast paced.   Sherlock is toned down and doesn't have the same air of arrogance as in series that made it to air.

While its good and well written it gives you the impression that it needs more, more depth, more build up and like the story its based on 'A study in scarlet' more progression and to that end it was a wise choice to re-shot major portions and add all these elements you could say the unaired pilot is elementary and the revision is the product of great deduction. Don't waste your time watching the unaired pilot. Instead use it wisely and revisit the revision and the best.

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