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Sunday, 8 January 2017

Working with someone you can't stand

January 8th 2017 

Do you ever get paired up with someone you just can't stand to be around at work, by that I mean the person who's true environment is Jerry Springer or Jeremy Kyle in the UK. How do you deal with this situation? I've tried a number of approaches none of them seem to work. 

1. Ignoring them and carrying on as if they're not there. This simply has no effect they're so wrapped up in themselves that they will find you and insist on giving you the latest episode of drama, most of which they've created themselves. 

2. Be pleasant and offer advice as appropriate that will make they're life easier e.g. If they are running around calling the ex a c*** and he refuses to answer the phone explain that no reasonable person would answer the phone to a mouth full of abuse and a more diplomatic approach would reap benefits for both sides. 

3. Just plain tell them you don't like them and don't want to talk to them. Okay this is rude, really rude but there comes a point when enough is enough and your tolerance point has been reached. This one didn't work either it was the grand total of 10 minutes before they said "So how was you days off" you can't fault persistence but can you really be the dumb ! 

I wouldn't mind but this person constantly wants to beg and "borrow" things and yet is so self absorbed that when you asked for the "borrowed" item back they throw a complete tantrum like a three year old. 

How can you/I deal with this situation ? Movie teams ? The rest of my team are ok and the other people I work with are great it's just this one stand out person is a nightmare. Just man up and plough through knowing tomorrow she'll be with someone else. 

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