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Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Discovery's Gold Rush Latest

January 11th 2017

Discovery Gold Rush 
The latest episode of Discovery's Gold Rush has aired in the Uk and even though I've been watching from the very start and in the back of my mind been rooting for the Hoffman's I can't help but think this year they are finished. Todd always used to have the knack of getting his crew together and working as a team even in the jungle when they were certainly doomed. However this year the magic has worn to thin and the "just trust me, guys" has lost its gloss and the faith has gone. His trusty Lieutenant Dave has gone and anyone who watched knows that he was the voice of reason behind the single mindedness of Todd. Chasing tiny Amounts of gold in a huge mine with a team of just four can only spell disaster if not a tragic accident. winning is all about knowing when to quit, winners never chase and I'm afraid thats all Todd seems to be doing.
Parker Schnabel

Parker is having a better season than Todd much to Todd only adding insult to Todd's pain I'm sure and at last seams to have a grip on managing people and talking to them rather than throwing his toys out of the pram at just the wrong moment. He's having crew meetings and building a second team, who would have thought that he was nearly managing one effectively. Parker is the wrong side of the curve when it comes to hitting his target of 4000oz of gold but I believe he'll deliver. He's the plucky go getter who hasn't lost yet and that does wonders for confidence. Plus he has a good foreman who he's developed a good working relationship with this also costs for a lot going foreword. I'm routing for Parker and I'm confident he won't let me down.
Tony Beets 
Tony Beets is working hard on his second dredge and after its setbacks it seems to be coming along. Any project can work when you throw money at it can't it. Well unless your a government of course. Noticing that his first dredge was loosing gold out the "arse end" a modification was needed and in such made the first dredge more efficient. Discovery paints the picture of him being desperate for gold for the second dredge, I have far more confidence in meme his wife and I more than sure the books look good otherwise he'd have a boot in his arse. But selling a T.V show is there business I guess.

Lets see how it unfolds

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