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Monday, 30 January 2017

Submarine (Film)

Submarine Movie Poter
This strange Channel 4 film popped up on my fire stick and it strange and weird if I'm honest.

Oliver and Jordana
In the style of the Peep show this is a coming of age film. Oliver Tate is a loaner how spy's on his parents as their relationship starts to fall apart, along with his mums ex boyfriend who is trying to re-entre his mums life. His father is a marine biologist who works at the local uni, with the claim to fame of being on the open university. His mum is bored and lonely and has had no intimate contact for months. All this troubles Oliver and he constantly looks for a solution.

He's bullied at school and one day while suffering at the hands of these bullies they asking him to insult another loner Jordana, When he stands up to the bullies and refuses it sets him on course for his first love. This is his story of that relationship with all the inner thoughts and anxieties told to you through his narration. The ups and downs of a teenager as he deals with life and the blows it deals him.

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