With the alarm sounding at 4 in the morning it was with a weary head we slowly got ready for our trip to Poland. Getting under each other's feet we eventually managed to get our hand luggage in to the car. The Jag started on the second turn of the key umm must revisit that last post I made on blogger about the mechanic. But with our further a do we we're off into the night. I was full of confidence that finding the air parks car park would be easy so I took it easy around the M 25 and up the M1 finding junction 10 then driving past the slip road I needed. I turned to Marta to bring up the directions on the phone which she duly did and held the bright phone screen in my face, not the most helpful thing when trying to navigate the pitch black roads. Realising I'd gone past our turning I turned around and found a safe place to pull over. I typed the car park post code into apple maps and found we were only 6 mins away. From then on it was quiet simple to get too.
We pulled in and still bleary eyed I waited for directions into the correct lane. I wrestled Marta's huge hold bag out of the boot and went to drop the key. Marta dug out the parking resovation form and the key was sorted. Just for the record I've handed her the receipt for the keys at her insistence so we'll see how that turns out. With a short ride to the airport we were at departures it didn't take long to check in the mammoth bag and then it was breakfast time, my choice Burger King. As I've been threatened with cabbage for the next week I thought I'd make the most of this high colestorl treat that was on offer !
After breakfast it was time to top up the nicotine so I went out for a couple of cigarettes ok the non smoking isn't going so well if I'm honest.
Security was ok, we did manage to find the lane with an up tight security guard loading and I was quizzed about having a belt 4 times even though I'd placed it in a tray thoughts of Jasper carrots detectives spring to mind. But we were through to departures air side in no time. Feeling belgerant I hit the red feedback button some customer service training was definitely needed.
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